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[HowTo] Play radios in Last.fm client

Links with last.fm protocol (lastfm://) have disappeared from the website, but I make this article for those (like me) who still find it very pratical to listen to radio in Last.fm client instead of let your browser opened all the time.

The most suitable option is to type directly your link in the address bar of your browser (tested only in Internet Explorer 7 & Firefox 3, but normally works in every browser)

Every link must begin with lastfm://, like a http:// in front of every website address. After you can add:

- group/GroupName : it will play the group members radio
ex: lastfm://group/Last.fm

- user/UserName/personal : it will play the user library radio
ex: lastfm://user/mr_maxis/personal

- user/UserName/neighbours : it will play the user neighbours radio
ex: lastfm://user/mr_maxis/neighbours

- user/UserName/recommended : it will play the user recommended artists radio
ex: lastfm://user/mr_maxis/recommended

- user/UserName/playlist : it will play the user playlist (it only plays the "first" playlist which means the one displayed in the Flash player of a user profile)
ex: lastfm://user/mr_maxis/playlist

There is an other way to play the playlists, when you have a playable playlist (45 playable tracks by 15 different artists) you have the link "Play this playlist" which returns you the flash player. In this link you have the PlaylistID which can be used like this : playlist/PlaylistID

You can play my playlist with this link : lastfm://playlist/3689421

This method is currently unavailable, it will play Full track and Free dowload track of Last.fm but only the 30 seconds preview for all other tracks.

- user/UserName/loved : it will play the user loved tracks radio
ex: lastfm://user/mr_maxis/loved

- event/EventNumber : it will play the event radio (not working with event which has a little lineup) You can find the EventNumber in the address bar of the event.
ex: lastfm://event/655431

NB: The following options are not very useful because there is a faster way to do it in the Last.fm client…

- artist/ArtistName : it will play the artist radio
ex: lastfm://artist/The Beatles

- globaltags/TagName : it will play the tag radio (works also with tag/TagName)
ex: lastfm://globaltags/rock

Impossible to use:
- play/tracks/TrackNumber : you can't have a TrackNumber
ex: lastfm://play/tracks/39879

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