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Voodoo Terror Tribe Premieres New Song, “Wake of the White Devil,” Online for Free Download

Alternative band Voodoo Terror Tribe is premiering a new song, “Wake of the White Devil,” online exclusively on Metalunderground.com. You can stream it and download it here.

“Wake of the White Devil” is off of the band's latest full-length album, “Symptoms of Sin,” which was released this summer and produced by Billy Graziadei (Biohazard/Suicide City). The band comments on the song:

“A three-way analogy between western culture as it is viewed in the middle east, the idea of what George Bush might have been thinking in 2003, and the extraordinary enjoyment of addiction to crystal meth. 75% of the world talks shit about the USA, but they do so while wearing American clothes, watching American TV shows (idol), etc. etc…. We're all Evil. We're all fucked up, we're all addicted, everyone fuck off, do a line and get on with your lives…”

Read the rest of the article on Metal Underground.com.

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