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+0 a story about


i have used this website in various incorrect ways since it was called audioscrobbler even since before it was populated by 15 year old ambient noise non-musicians

i was called something i can't remember i played muds told people i was an otter
i was called kayophi and i wrote boring journals about progressive rock and flamed marillion
i was called bubblesaurusrex and i wrote every song in the fearsofas repertoire
i am called zanzanzawaveia and i write +0

the only worthwhile classical figure is Diogenes i wish i was strong enough to copy

i used to be an incredibly intelligent cat - walk

i am a real musician benladen thinks i'm ok he says i should ignore the haters and stop chasing papers

i just wanna say bring back der old last.fm mayn der neu layout ist amole i really like muserock7997 but everyone in his shoutbox is a moron

Sorry Robin Eggfast Renamon

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