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Single Of The Week

PJ Harvey - When Under Ether


I don´t understand why she didn´t make a proper video for this song or for anything else on the White Chalk album. It´s an amazing album. One of my all time favourite albums by any artist. PJ Harvey is a goddess.


Here are the lyrics to the best and the creepiest song about abortion that´s ever been written:

The ceiling is moving
Moving in time
Like a conveyor belt
Above my eyes

When under ether
The mind comes alive
But conscious of nothing
But the will to survive

I lay on the bed
Waist down undressed
Look up at the ceiling
Feeling happiness

Human kindness

The woman beside me
Is holding my hand
I point at the ceiling
She smiles, so kind

Something's inside me
Unborn and unblessed
Disappears in the ether
This world to the next
Disappears in the ether
One world to the next

Human kindness

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