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Where is quality sound?

What comes to my mind is Pepe Deluxe, 2 many Dj's, Daft Punk, Justice, Dandy Wharols, fatboy slim, mint royale, Death in Vegas. Yet they're all massive world wide.

Where are quality sound to be found? I cross the street of my flat in London on a sunday night and I see in a tiny pub an astonishing band of the tremp of the Doors, right at my doorsteps! An incredible scene presence and deep as much as energic music! I have paid for many gigs that were not even close to be that good. I mean the love of music and the dedication. Not radio and business nor artist related because that's all biased by volume criterias thus pushing away the uniqueness of each one of us. Groups turn out to be a very poor and messy source of informations. It's mostly words written in white on a white background.

Listening to the radio of your fellow neighborhood turns out to be a sound answer to that but it restricts the playlist. So there are solutions, Please let's help each other to find quality music, reply with your radio and see what life changing discovery can be made and how much we are striving for the emergence of the best

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