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you came so close to dying

Вт 24 Апр – The Antlers, I am Oak

They've taken my camera so I don't have any recordings now, not even pictures.
But the emotions still remain. At the moment I hardly can recollect some lines from the lyrics sung by Peter on that night, or some guitar solo. But I have the feeling of that night. I still can't recover from it. And I believe it won't be over soon.
I was overwhelmed by the beauty of No Widows - one of my favorites from their latest Burst Apart . Atrophy off Hospice which followed No Widows blew me away. After that, I think I lost a grip on myself for a while. The guys played several tunes from Burst Apart , and they were brilliant, brilliant. They played a couple of new unreleased songs too.
I felt like it was too much and too little at the same time: being crushed, I still wanted more.
That was my first ever The Antlers experience.
I may add something to this review when I have a heart to do so.

Thank you Peter, Darby, Michael and Tim.

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