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Up my ass?

Similar to the "In my pants" game, but I changed it to Up my ass, because it's different.

For those who want to play on their journals, here's how you do it. Put your media player on shuffle and then for the first 15 songs that come up, add "in my ass" to the end of the song titles.

Like so..

1) Sacrificed Sons In My Ass
2Endless Sacrifice In My Ass
3) Gravity In My Ass
4) A Stranger In My Ass
5) One Of My Turns In My Ass
6) Third Eye In My Ass
7) Having A Blast In My Ass
8) Do It For The Kids In My Ass
9) Mother In My Ass
10) A Certain Romance In My Ass
11) Face Of Melinda In My Ass
12) Never Enough In My Ass
13) Keyboard Solo In My Ass
14) Pull Me Under In My Ass
15) A Perfect Circle - Weak and Powerless In My Ass

I think Dream Theater and A Perfect Circle like my ass. My ass never has enough (OGM SPOT THE OBVIOUS DT REFERENCE!!!)

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