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The High End of Low - Marilyn Manson

Album: The High End of Low

Artist: Marilyn Manson

Release: 2009

Length: 104:47 (deluxe edition)

Genre: Industrial Rock, Acoustic Rock

You know being such a fan and follower of Manson since the days of Antichrist Superstar, it is hard not to give a bias review on this CD. But one thing, I must say is that I did not have to wait too long for this one to be released. The theme behind this CD is somewhat different from his previous CDs, usually Manson would resume a different persona for every CD but there is nothing mentioned about this. Nothing much being said about this CD even before it is released, except for the fact it is a record about how his soul is being trampled by women. It is more of a fuck you to all the previous ladies in his life type of CD, which I think would be a very healthy listening to all of those who just had a sour breakup. Music wise, the return of bassist Twiggy Ramerez has definitely given the much need rock and roll sound to the band. But I just cannot ignore the fact some influences of A Perfect Circle has been brought back by Twiggy in some of songs e.g. Devour. Frankly, I was kinda disappointed with this CD when I first heard it because it was not what I expected, mainly because I was expecting something like Antichrist superstar or Mechanical Animal since Sean Beavan is back on the production team. But I slowly realized that Manson is ditching their familiar sound and moving into a new era of sound, I should pretty much give it another chance. With more acoustic rock sound and piano (played by their drummer Ginger Fish), it is indeed a move towards a whole new direction. Particularly a song Four Rusted Horses, Marilyn Manson singing the blues is something you don't get to hear every day, and it totally worked. I am not particular crazy about their first single Arma-Goddamn-Motherfuckin-Geddon which has a slight flavor of dope show and snip bits of disposable teens in it. I wonder why they would release this as their first single; because I think it would fucking hurt the sales in the opening week.

One thing I like about the deluxe version than the standard edition is that it has some alternate version of the songs in the standard track list. Most of them are acoustic version. Leave a Scar, In the Flame sound as good if not better than the original version. Therefore, do get the deluxe edition by any means necessary. This is just my initial opinion of the CD, I am just going to brood on it just a little longer before I can truly say that it is good or not to my liking.

Original post : http://tinyurl.com/MMHEOL01

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