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Pizzicato Five all the time

Hum…. Just check my weekly charts. In the last weeks I am listening mostly to Pizzicato Five (and from time to time to other so called bands….)

4 our 5 years ago Pizzicato Five had great success with their Made in USA. Here in Spain Happy Sad even became the soundtrack of one of the most popular TV commercials. I got fascinated by their music… and I even planned to buy their records… but for some reason I do not remember I did not, and with time I give up.

But I did not forgot on their songs. And recently I had the chance to grab a Japanese record of them: Singles… woah! It was like rediscovering a known world. This record summarizes 10 years of their career in Japan. Songs and sound are not so different from the ones I discovered with Made in USA… but they are sung in Japanese, what makes quite a difference. Also it is amazing to discover for how many years the band has been developing their sound… They are much more than just a hype. I plan to continue to investigate in all their legacy.

Favourite songs? 東京の合唱〜午後のカフェで, ダーリン・オブ・ザ・ディスコティック, 恋のルール・新しいルール (Whatever those names mean…). And the obvious Baby Love Child

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