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like freshly cut grass...

architecture in helsinki is drawing me in deeper and deeper into their charm. how will i be able to resist? I do not even like the most popular songs yet! The more I listen to in case we die the more I want to listen to it. This is a dangerous situation. I can not resist, I can not resist. It should be so easy.
I gave some songs just three stars, just to tell myself that they are not really that great, but then I keep listening to them over and over again.
Right now it is mostly Maybe You Can Owe Me and The Cemetery but I just added Need to Shout and Frenchy, I'm Faking to my slightly heavier rotation.
Wild stuff, especially since I know pretty much nothing about the band. Oh, and I found out about them by clicking on some link here on audioscrobbler. Amazing, amazing, amazing.
(Not the greatest entry, I am just so amazed how a record can just do such things.)

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