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Laminate 3 Issue "Most Wanted" features Rose Is A Rose by Amycanbe as Free Download.

The magazine can be pre-ordered HERE

LAMINATE 3 "Most Wanted" Available at Amazon, Amazon Japan, Bokus Sweden, Waterstones, Blackwell and major bookshops around the world, or, in UK, through WHSmith Stores

Laminate "Most Wanted" Issue features - Mark Ryden, Ray Caesar, Tara McPherson, Greg "Craola" Simkins, Erwin Wurm, Alex Gross, Charlie Le Mindu, Philip Treacy, Rob Ryan and Chris Berens.
Motion creative section featuring award winning full lenght animation shorts in full HD.
Plus music and features + *free track downloads - , Graffiti 6 *Clara Chung, *Amycanbe, Margo, Yuna and more!


"We are a multi-platform media platform about Art Design and Culture.

Laminate is a Unique intersection between cultures, presenting the very best in Photography, fashion, art, design, music and film.

Laminate offers a forum for cultural exchange-promoting cross pollination, acting as a catalyst for new creative outputs and collaborations in addition opening markets “Previously lost in Translation”. Through its focus on individuals breaking new ground across the creative industries, Laminate offers a unique perspective on the innovations and innovators shaping our world."

Open Productions

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