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Joy Harjo - Winding Through the Milky Way

She has always been a great inspiration to me. I am very excited about Joy Harjo's new album. She always is learning new things, exploring new territories, but always true to the heart… very true to herself.

She started out as a great poet and then took up saxophone in her 40s and mastered it. Then in her 50s she took up singing and was compared to Suzanne Vega. She also took up canoe racing and film making.

Well I met her way back when as a creative writing student at the University of Arizona. She made all that academia b.s. worthwhile. She opened up my eyes. She believed in me, She gave me my first 4-track recorder and encouraged me to record music and to put it out there.

She is a beautiful person and makes beautiful music and poetry. Listen to her stories…they are wonderful. You will never be the same.

Peace, Nancy

Winding Through the Milky Way

Joy Harjo

Project Bluebird

btw she gave me permission to make a video. I found some art that looks like her music. I do best pairing up art with music on those things I think…

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