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Brumcast 42 - 'The UK Midlands Underground'

Playlist for the week…

1. The Madcaps - We are the fucks (2:28)
2. Finding Calcutta - Finding Calcutta (5:03)
3. The Owsla - New York Euphoria (3:23)
4. Miss Liability - Love Revolution (4:25)
5. Young Casual Gentlemen - Never Tell (3:19)
6. The Skeleton Cartel - Right Hand Art (1:48)
7. Gary Nock - The Letter (3:17)
8. Barry's Attic - Eleanora (5:04)
9. Out For Blood - Unsustainable Liver Treatment (3:14)
10. Circus Town - Black Love (2:32)
11. Critical Theory - Keep Walkin' (3:09)
12. DisinVectant - End Trails of the Dead (4:05)
13. The Beach Monks - Cats (3:29)
14. Nomad 67 - 03JustMyFire (3:19)
15. The Pandemics - Another Sensation (2:23)
16. Never Enough - Will You Wake Up (3:01)
17. Mango trio - wave (2:35)
18. Meg - My Girl (2:21)
19. JACKPIKE - Drive (3:32)

Linkylinks… www.myspace.com/brumcastbirmingham - bulletins every week to announce the new cast, and if you subscribe to the blog (I imagine that'll be blog.myspace.com/brumcastbirmingham) you don't even have to fish through yer bulletin board. Or if you're supremely lazy like me, open iTunes, go 'advanced', 'subscribe to podcast…' then whack http://ipodnetworks.com/caster/363/rss_1535.php into the handy lil box that comes up. Sorted.


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