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Life's Sweet Dementia

So, I was Soulseeking the other day and I stumbled upon a compilation called Life's Sweet Dementia. Whoever compiled this mix left nothing to be desired for. It's mixed chronologically, I think. The only thing that sucks is that it's hard-mixed in with crossfading. Screw that. I'm going to find every album that this song lives on and get the album and remake the mix without any crossfading.

Here's the list of tracks:

1. Remember a Day
2. See Emily Play
3. Hideaway
4. Strange Days Dream
5. The People In Me
6. She Lives (In a Time of Her Own)
7. Blues From An Airplane
8. Alone Again Or
9. Holiday on the Moon
10. Porpoise Song (Theme From Head)
11. Blue Jay Way
12. Mr. Alphabet Says
13. Curious Guy
14. You're My Drug
15. Eight Miles High
16. Heads Will Roll
17. Waiting For The Sun
18. Tales Of Brave Ulysses
19. Already Yesterday
20. Long Gone
21. Isn't Life Strange
22. Epitaph

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