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Last Night A DJ Killed My Dog Mix #024 - Year Of The Tiger

Here we are again, after a long, long break while I finished my MA and moved back to China, with another animal-year-themed pod. Gongxifacai!


1. My Bloody Valentine - Tiger In My Tank
2. Empire Of The Sun - Tiger By My Side
3. Paul Anka - Eye Of The Tiger
4. The Bonzo Dog Band - Hunting Tigers Out In 'Indiah'
5. Ananda Shankar - Charging Tiger
6. Red Snapper - Get Some Sleep Tiger
7. Animal Collective - We Tigers
8. Eels - Tiger In My Tank
9. April Stevens - Teach Me Tiger
10. Rufus Thomas - Tiger Man
11. Sufjan Stevens - Year Of The Tiger

As usual, this mix (and all the previous ones) can be downloaded here:

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