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The Tallest Man on Earth

Sat 2 Oct – The Tallest Man on Earth, S. Carey

I had high expectations going into this show and I was NOT disappointed.

S. Carey was on first and due to the limited amount of material I've heard by him, I was pleasantly surprised by their performance. Very chill, but yet very entertaining.

The Tallest Man took the stage and right away I knew it was going to be an amazing performance. He has such a commanding energy on stage that everyone just has to watch in awe. He would walk straight to the crowd, stare people down, sit down then stand up again, it was simply amazing. I was just so impressed that one man could hold the attention of an entire venue for over an hour.

My favorite part of the show was during one of the songs he sat down for. The crowd was a bit noisy in the back, so he stood up and stared at them and all of the sudden their was a hush in the crowd.

I can't wait to see him again.

Favorite tracks:
Love is All
This Wind
Thrown Right at Me
The Dreamer

actually..all of them were amazing. Also check out S. Carey

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