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wye oak - take it in
the jesus lizard - puss
dananananaykroyd - america runs on duncan
no age - you're a target
settlefish - blindfold the leaves
kmd - what a nigga know?
foot village - t.a.k.e.
brainworms - let be honest
digital leather - bugs on glue
cold cave - youth and lust
future of the left - drink nike
future of the left - throwing bricks at trains
soft circle - don't just stand there
the almighty defenders - bow down and die
part chimp - trad
sic alps - l. mansion
morrissey - first of the gang to die
times new viking - no time, no hope
johann wolfgang pozoj - hisperia
gatechien - -h-
shit and shine - usa-mexico
municipal waste - born to party
ear pwr - super animal bros. III
cobalt - gin
fuck buttons - surf solar


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