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Dark Matters feat Jess Morgan presents The Real You on Armada Music

Dark Matters feat. Jess Morgan presents The Real You on Armada Music

Slowly but sure, the mysterious Dark Matters project unfolds its musical jewels. Following the success of ‘Fallen Feathers’ singles ‘The Quest of A Dream’ and ‘I Don’t Believe In Miracles’, is the mesmerizing down-tempo track ‘The Real You’, made dancefloor fit by Jorn van Deynhoven and Dubvision.

In 2011, the heartbeat of EDM lowered to down-tempo and chill-out. Following the pace of warm melodies and heartfelt vocals, was the debut album of Dark Matters. One of the highlights of the ‘Fallen Feathers’ album is ‘The Real You’. An ode to silence, riding the tender voice of UK singer Jess Morgan. Follow them on the musical journey and enjoy a strong, deep track for the quiet hours of day.

For your nightly adventures, there’s the uplifting synth of Jorn van Deynhoven. His remix holds true to the original melody, empowering it with a strong pair of beats. Dreamy and danceable.

Dutch duo Dubvision brought in another tight prog-house remix, shining a whole new light onto ‘The Real You’.





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