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Best concert of 2010!!!

Tue 12 Jan – Spencey Dude & the Doodles, The Splinters, Shannon and the Clams

Haha… I know the year has hardly started, but this was the best show I've been to in months!

I'm sorry, Spencey Dude, and the Splinters, but I was late and took a wrong turn and missed you guys.

I ended up arriving around 11 or so… just in time for the clams to go on! They played extremely awesomely and they were amazing for playing an encore (how can they not do "Hunk Hunt"?) even after they'd already unplugged.

I love Shannon! If there's not already a fan club, I'm starting one.

I also picked up their new album "I wanna go home", which isn't even listed on here but hopefully it will be soon! More people should know about this terrific trio.

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