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[post-rock] tracks with spoken words

Updated 2015.06.09

i used to have a huge list of post-rock tracks that had spoken words in them, but i seemed to have misplaced it!!!!!

there's just something about them that makes them unique and very interesting, at least to me…..so here, i'll re-create that list, one track at a time. any and all help would be greatly appreciated. ;)

in no particular order:
65daysofstatic - Fix the Sky a Little
65daysofstatic - Another Code Against the Gone
65daysofstatic - Asphalt & Trouble
65daysofstatic - Heat Death Infinity Splitter
A Silver Mt. ZionBroken Chords Can Sing a Little
Architekture - Alluvium
.Ficial. - [track artist=.Ficial.]Sua Parte
Crippled Black PhoenixThe Northern Cobbler

Daturah - ghost track
Daturah - Deep B Flat
Daturah - Shoal
The Evpatoria Report - Cosmic Call
The Evpatoria Report - Mithridate
Explosions in the Sky - Have You Passed Through This Night?
Exxasens - Spiders on the Moon
Gifts From Enola - Grime and Glass
Gifts From EnolaWith The Tides In Hindsight
Godspeed You! Black EmperorThe Dead Flag Blues

Lights Out Asia - The Wrong Message Could End You
Lights Out Asia - All These Worlds Are Yours
Long Distance CallingApparitions
Long Distance CallingFire In The Mountain
Maybeshewill - Not For Want Of Trying
Maybeshewill - Our History Will Be What We Make of It
Maybeshewill - Co-Conspirators
Maybeshewill - In Another Life, When We Are Cats
Mogwai - Chocky
Mogwai - Katrien
Mogwai - Superheroes Of BMX
Mogwai - Punk Rock
Mogwai - Tracy
Mogwai - Yes! I Am A Long Way From Home
Oracles Always LieRemorse For What


The Calm Blue SeaThis Will Never Happen Again
Waking Aida - Incandenza
Waking Aida - Time Travel with Friends
We Made GodII
Double Handsome DragonsAre We Not The Future Of This Nation?
Double Handsome Dragons010110

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