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the hunter

1) How do you feel today? so long friend

2) What's your outlook on life? better than anything else

3) What does your family think of you? starts with goodbye

4) What do your friends think of you?ohio is for lovers

5) What do strangers think of you? the truth

6) What do your ex(s) think of you?hey

7) How is your love life? hope for us

8) How will your love life be in the future? 7 weeks

9) Will you get married? nothing's gonna stop us

10) Will you have kids? for once in your life

11) Will you be successful in life? darts of pleasure

12) What song should they play on your birthday?cherokee red

13) What song should they play at your funeral? maybe memories

14) The soundtrack of your life? symphony (six the hard way)

15) You and your best friend are? salvy

16) Happy times?ready to die

17) Sad times?guernica

18) Everyday? grow up

19) For tomorrow? i was married

20) For you?i got punched in the face for sticking my nose into someone else's business

21) What does next year have in store for me? clavicle

22) What do I say when life gets too hard? kill the drama

23) What will be sung at my wedding? little girls

24) What do you want as a career? the sun and the moon

25) Your favorite feeling?i will play my game beneath the spin light

26) Your favorite saying? get busy living or get busy dying (do your part to save the scene and stop going to shows)

27) How will I die? the darkest places

28) The song that you'll put as your subject?the hunter

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