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Elfin Saddle @ They Shoot Music Don't They

"Wurld" is an experimental short film telling the story of human advancement that takes place on an outdoor garden plot. The creators of this small conflated world out of soil, plants and found materials are Emi Honda and Jordan McKenzie, who are – apart from drawings and visual, installation and video art – also making music. Together they formed the band Elfin Saddle (the name of their favorite wild mushroom) that has been joined by Nathan Gage (also active in Shapes and Sizes ) on contrabass and tuba. However, Elfin Saddle have been invited by the film festival Viennale to present “Wurld” and play a concert in town. When we meet the Montreal-based trio for an acoustic session in Vienna, they have already been eagerly looking for a nice spot to do the filming. In an area where there are not many parks, a contemplative courtyard in a partly abandoned old house comes closest to a nature-bound outdoor-setting. Elfin Saddle put up their various equipment to perform “She Mountain” on the balcony and “Running Sheep” down in the yard. With an atmospheric and spirited performance they herald the hibernal evenfall.

Check out the videos on http://www.theyshootmusic.com/

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