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Top 15

01. Tool
first song I heard of theirs: Prison Sex
song that made me fall in love: Stinkfist
current favourite song: Triad

02. Nine Inch Nails
first song I heard of theirs: Head Like A Hole
song that made me fall in love: March of the Pigs
current favourite song: Eraser and The Fragile

03. Nirvana
first song I heard of theirs: Smells Like Teen Spirit
song that made me fall in love: Scentless Apprentice
current favourite song: Milk It and Radio Friendly Unit Shifter

04. Ministry
first song I heard of theirs: Bad Blood
song that made me fall in love: Bad Blood
current favourite song: The Great Satan

first song I heard of theirs: WWIII
song that made me fall in love: Jihad
current favourite song: Blackball and New American Century

06. A Perfect Circle
first song I heard of theirs: Judith
song that made me fall in love: Judith
current favourite song: Weak and Powerless (Tilling My Grave mix)

07. Smashing Pumpkins
first song I heard of theirs: Today
song that made me fall in love: Bullet With Butterfly Wings
current favourite song: Jellybelly and Tales of a Scorched Earth

08. Rammstein
first song I heard of theirs: Du Hast
song that made me fall in love: Keine Lust
current favourite song: Keine Lust

09. Meshuggah
first song I heard of theirs: Future Breed Machine
song that made me fall in love: Rational Gaze
current favourite song: Sane

10. Stone Temple Pilots
first song I heard of theirs: Big Bang Baby
song that made me fall in love: Plush
current favourite song: Tumble in the Rough

11. Static-X
first song I heard of theirs: Black And White
song that made me fall in love: Black And White
current favourite song: Push It

12. Machine Head
first song I heard of theirs: Desire To Fire
song that made me fall in love: Blistering
current favourite song: Davidian

13. White Zombie
first song I heard of theirs: More Human Than Human
song that made me fall in love: More Human Than Human
current favourite song: I, Zombie

14. Marilyn Manson
first song I heard of theirs: Sweet Dreams
song that made me fall in love: The Beautiful People
current favourite song: King Kill 33 and Irresponsible Hate Anthem (Venus Head Trap mix)

15. Fear Factory
first song I heard of theirs: Descent
song that made me fall in love: Dog Day Sunrise
current favourite song: Zero Signal

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