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Queen+Paul Rodgers at The DCU Center (Woreseter,MA)

Set List:
Reaching Out
Tie Your Mother Down
Fat Bottomed Girls
I Want To Break Free
Take Love (New Song)
Crazy Little Thing Called Love
Love of My Life
Hammer To Fall
Feel Like Making Love
Drum Solo
I'm In Love With My Car
Brighton Rock Solo
Last Horizon
Bad Company
Can't Get Enough
Another One Bites The Dust
Dragon Attack
These Are The Days of Our Lives
Radio Ga Ga
The Show Must Go On
Bohemian Rhapsody

We Will Rock You
All Right Now
We Are The Champions

Wow. So for Christmas I got tickets to Queen + Paul Rodgers (lead singer of Bad Company). I had low expectations from what I had heard, because it was my opinion that Paul tried too hard to seperate himself from Freddie. I still think that, but either way, it was an amazing show.

We left at 6:30 to get to Worester, which is like an hour away. But there was an assload of traffic on 128, so we ended up taking an hour and a half to get there. I wanted to bring my camera, but we were cutting it so close that I couldn't afford to have them not lhttp://static.last.fm/matt/bb_track.png
Track Linket me in with it, so I left it in the car. We sprinted to the DCU center and got to our seats literally the second Paul Rodgers came out from behind the curtian. Holy shit.
Brian May was looking a ton older (Bags under his eyes, sagging face) but could still play his guitar as awesome as always. Rodger Taylor now looks like a fatter version of the guy who plays Hannibal Lecter. I was never really impressed with Paul Rodgers, because he tried too hard to separate himself from Freddie, and ended up butchering a few songs (I Want To Break Free,Crazy Little Thing Called Love, Another One Bites The Dust). He also pissed me off with his really ruthless self-promotion. Like, they act like its a joint-tour. Where its really Queen and Paul Rodgers separate. But, come on. Who is really going to see Paul Rodgers? Put the $50 Paul Rodgers T-Shirts away, bro. (Note: Turns out a lot of people went to see Paul Rodgers. Woops.)

He did a good job on Fat Bottomed Girls and Tie Your Mother Down, and pretty much all the others that I haven't yet mentioned. Brian came out and did Love of My Life, which was a shocker for me because thats Freddie's song. But he nailed it (He didicated it to Freddie. Many snickers from my end about why he was dedicating THAT song to him.) He didn't do '39 which was a dissapointment. Then he started singing "Hammer To Fall," which is my personal favorite Queen song, and he did a really slow version. And I hated that. But then at the last verse (which happens to be the best part of the song), they sped it up. I was pleased.

Dissapointment: Paul Rodgers actually had a teleprompter for the lyrics. Damn son.

Paul did his own songs too, like Can't Get Enough of Your Love, which made me happy, as well as doing "Bad Company" and "Feel Like Making Love." He came out from a trap door playing a piano. Corny, yes. But still he soudned great on em. He did All Right Now between We Will Rock You and We Are The Champions which was nice, because I love that song. But aside from the concert, we had really amazing seats. The DCU is great because its sort of small so we were in the balcony and I could see the whites of all of their eyes.

Conclusion:Queen+Paul Rodgers is a fantastic show. The crowd's great and its much worth the price of admission. From various reports around the internets, the Woreseter show was the best one so far of any Queen+Paul Rodgers show, dispite only being 4/5 sold out. Not bad, though considering Queen's losing of popularity in the US since the 80s.

I have one of four concerts to decide to go to now:

Dane Cook next month,Radiohead, The Who, or potentially Cream. Hmmz. Any suggestions?

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