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I'm a bit miffed at not being able to see Infected Mushroom and Tiësto.

They didn't play the same bill, mind, but were in the same city two days apart. Of course my reason for missing both is a good one - it's because of all the substantial partying I'll be doing in Montréal, all of which can be seen on my events page. To mourn my loss over these shows, however, I'm posting videos. Half of them are just stills or slideshows to enable people to slap them up on youtube, but you get what you can get.

The following is a remix Tiësto did of a Delerium track called Innocente. It would seem that half the people who post anything to do with Delerium on youtube can't fucking spell their name. Having been a dedicated fan of Delerium (though this doesn't mean I find all their material listenable) for the last eleven years, I find this vexing, to say the least. This one features Leigh Nash, vocalist for Sixpence None the Richer.


The following is just a still set to Tiësto's mix of Delerium's Silence. Vocals were provided by Sarah McLachlan.


Now for Infected Mushroom tracks. They are an Israeli duo of DJs that are currently the 9th best DJs in the world, according to the 2007 DJMag.com public poll. The first track I ever heard by them was Disco Mushroom. I found this slideshow backing it:


For good measure, I'm including a video of their track Deeply Disturbed. It's set to edited footage of them playing live.


I'm not sure which one is Erez Aizen and which one is Amit Duvdevani, but the one with the long hair is pretty hot.

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