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New Favorite SONG!

Ok, so this has been a LONG time coming: it's been 10 years since I've had a new favorite song. Iris has been my favorite for as long as I can remember, and it has held it's ground for all that time. I've heard songs that have come close to dethroning it, like How Far We've Come, but I still found something about Iris, that kept me steady. It is a timeless song and I recommend listening to it again, if you haven't recently.

What song could have taken Iris' place in my list? Well, it may come as no surprise that one of Coldplay's songs is the champion. They've been producing some awesome music lately, and it is with great pleasure that I find myself enjoying one of their new tracks so much. Life in Technicolor ii is my new favorite song!!

Enjoy the video below, which, IMO, is one of the best videos I've seen in a long time.


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