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Virgínia ama Mariza

Wed 11 Mar – Mariza

Mariza's commanding presence on the American Theatre's stage tonight was both gaunt and graceful. She had an amazing vocal range that I hadn't noticed on the recordings I've listened to. The reigning queen of 's performance was beautiful as she sang her more traditional/new fado from Portugal and other songs with noticeable Cape Verde and Brazil influence and beats. Including impressive solos from Angelo Freire, (Portuguese guitar), Diogo Clemente, (acoustic guitar), Marino de Freitas (acoustic bass), and "Vicky" (drums), Mariza sang several songs from her new album, Terra, plus a couple favorites. (She also had Briton Simon James on piano and trumpet). Mariza finished off with an amazing Crying and then a beautiful rendition of an Amália Rodrigues poem. Too many "amazing's" and "beautiful's"? Well I understand now, I'm pretty sure I now know what Fado really is – 'Saudade.'

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