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iTunes Survey

Number of songs:
5410 (Was more, but I never listened to the stuff anymore.)

Sort by song title:
First song: 'Bout the City
Last song: Zyclone B Bathouse

Sort by time:
Shortest song: Anybody Listening? 0.01
Longest song: Spaceship Landing 34:04

Top Five Most Played Songs:
1) Lithium Flower 107 plays
2) Santa Monica 60 plays
3) Rotten Apple 58 plays
4) Nutshell 58 plays
5) Sperate Kingdom 57 plays

First song to come up on shuffle:
Pasties and a G-String (At the Two O'Clock Club)

How many songs come up when you search for 'sex'?
Two, both Sexx Laws

How many songs come up when you search for 'death'?
32 tracks.

How many songs come up when you search for 'love'?
Sixty-Eight tracks.

How many songs come up when you search for 'you'?
365 tracks.

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