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Peripheral playlist for October

Each month I put together a playlist of music associated with the Peripheral music group to share with eclectic and adventurous lastfm listeners. Here's the playlist for October:

Peripheral playlist for October

This month's eclectic sampling includes a healthy dose of excellent jazz that most of you probably haven't heard before, along with various other sorts of electronic and electro-acoustic explorations. There are some old friends I'd like to introduce you to, some new releases from the peripheral music label, some hot trumpet playing and a broad spectrum of great guitar running through the set.

October's featured artists:
Don Ellis - Doruk Somunkiran - Ibakusha - Kakalla - Nole Plastique - Porcelain in the Backpack - Quantum Quartet - Refrag - The Nels Cline Singers - Vedette

…and "the regulars": dadala - PcOnTrApTiOn - Jopy - Michael Chocholak - RDunlap - The Dunlaps - Phenotypo - ifal

> previous months' playlists



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