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John Mayer Is My History.

I've really been thoroughly obsessed with John Mayer's music for quite a while now.
It almost seems as if he's been haunting me XD

Look, the first song by John Mayer that I probably heard must have been "Your Body Is A Wonderland," because that song was pretty popular on the public radio.
I knew of John Mayer.
But see, back then, my taste in music was still undefined.
Or should I say, defined by my friends, the radio, and society.

My first personal encounter with John Mayer was in, I think… seventh grade?
It was one of those school raffle contest things. You know, sell
enough raffle tickets and you go up through the levels of "awesome prizes!" ^^"

Anyways, my prize was that I could choose a free CD from this list, but I had no idea which one I should pick.
And then one of my friends recommended John Mayer's album "Heavier Things." I ordered it, and it came in the mail.
And I loved it.
I got pretty obsessed with that one for a while, especially the tracks "Split Screen Sadness," "Bigger Than My Body," and "Wheel."
It's safe to say that that was probably my first step towards forming my own musical soul.

But see, that was about three years ago. Between then and now, John Mayer kind of faded. Only for a while.
Actually, I think it was more of the fact that I drained his CD. XD
But around, I think, September of 2007, the same friend who had recommended him to me three years ago sent me a YouTube video of John Mayer's duet with some country singer: http://youtube.com/watch?v=jlZWzB2FoDg. Lolz, as you can tell, I have never been into country - which only made the discovery that I loved this video even more surprising.

See, before this "epiphany," I had always hated live performances/recordings.
I guess that once I had that "official" CD version that I always played on repeat, I got used to it and wouldn't accept any other version whatsoever.

But then I discovered "Any Given Thursday," which never ceases to amaze me.
And I have realized that I actually prefer John Mayer LIVE instead of his CD recordings.
Learning this for the first time was a pretty amazing revelation.

And so, I am currently set on absorbing these tracks and John Mayer's amazing guitar solos. My current favorites, "Covered In Rain (Live in Birmingham)" (which has never been officially recorded) and "Comfortable (Live in Birmingham)" (I only love it acoustic), thoroughly prove that I have changed.

And although I hate change, I hate moving on, and I definitely hate realizing it, John Mayer's music is special to me in the way that he reminds me that it's actually all for the better.


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