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top ten artists thingy from samthebutcher

top ten artists overall:

1 Haujobb - 68
2 Meat Beat Manifesto - 63
2 Misfits - 63
4 Boards of Canada - 62
5 They Might Be Giants - 51
6 Front 242 - 47
7 The Prodigy - 36
8 16volt - 35
9 Aphex Twin - 32
9 Skinny Puppy - 32

What was the first song you ever heard by 6?
i think that would be -WYHIWYG. as i recall the first time i heard it, a friend of mine had just purchased Official Version on a whim and we started listening to it from the beginning.

What is your favourite album of 2?
that is not an easy question. it changes frequently. it's probably Satyricon more often than the others.

What is your favourite lyric that 4 has sung?
Boards of Canada doesn't sing.

How many times have you seen 5 live?
a lot. i'm not sure, but probably around 8 times.

What is your favorite song by 7?
i don't know. i'll say wind it up (rewound)

What is a good memory you have involving the music of 10?
i don't have a number 10. i have a tie for number 9. so…
for Aphex Twin i'll choose a time i was blasting inkey$ in the broadcast studio of our college station during my radio show. my (then) girlfriend (now wife) was there with me and we were just rocking out and having a good time.
for skinny puppy i'll choose some memories of skateboarding with my friend jens and listening to the testure single.

Is there a song of 3 that makes you sad?
no number three, but there aren't any songs i'm thinking of by either number 2 that make me sad. there are some meat beat manifesto songs that i'll listen to if i'm already sad. there's one song (untold stories) that gives me chills up and down my spine with it's juxtaposing of the following samples:
"what is the world's most vicious animal?"
"i wish they'd find some way to control the subjects a man studies; a maniac with a lot of knowledge is a threat."
"but these are people. you don't handle them like animals."
"what is the world's most vicious animal?"
"God made man free. evil/free. evil/free. evil/free."
seriously gives me chills. always has.

What is your favorite lyric that 2 has sung?
there's a tie for 2. for meat beat i'll choose a song where they actually do sing, edge of no control. for the misfits i'll choose hybrid moments.

What is your favorite song by 9?
there's a tie for 9. for aphex twin it has to be acrid avid jam shred. that might be my favorite song ever. for skinny puppy i'm going to go with goneja.

How did you get into 3?
meat beat manifesto - i remember seeing an add for 99% in a magazine and asking my friends what it was. the same friend who had bought official versionsaid something about thinking it was an industrial band and that i'd probably like it, so i checked it out. he was right.
i got into the misfits because i was a skateboarder and all the skateboarders i knew listened to the misfits. they were also mentioned frequently in thrasher magazine.

What was the first song you heard by 1?
consciousness (thought combattery 1) remixed by :wumpscut: i had heard of haujobb and saw the remix wars: strike 1 at world record and listened to it at the industrial station. i had to buy it.

What is your favorite song by 4?
that's not an easy choice. for now i'll say amo bishop roden.

How many time have you seen 9 live?
apex twin - 0
skinny puppy - once

What is a good memory you have involving 2?
i already answered this for number three.

Is there a song of 8 that makes you sad?
16volt is more angry than sad.

What is your favorite album of 5?
from a pantheon of super albums, i'm choosing mink car.

What is your favorite lyric that 3 has sung?
tie for #2. meat beat manifesto - "do your dreams replay the past, if not what do your dreams forecast?"
the misfits aren't really known for good lyrics. pick anything.

What is your favorite song of 1?
net culture

What is your favorite song of 10?
anwered this for number 9.

How many times have you seen 8 live?

What is your favorite album of 1?
matrix right now. another time it might be solutions for a small planet or polarity.

What is a great memory you have considering 9?
answered for number 10.

What was the first song you heard by 8?
motorskill because it's the first song on the first album. world record's listening stations really were awesome.

What is your favorite cover by 3?
i really like meat beat manifesto's cover of everything counts.
did the misfits even do any covers?

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