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Musical Mood: 20th November '06

Today I have been in quite a specific music mood. This happens quite often… so I thought I should start to note them down.

Today then, I'm feeling confused, sad, nostalgic and fairly concerned about something I feel I need to say to someone which could make the future really wonderful or really .. awkward.

Some tunes that express this… (most courtesy of http://pandora.com, with Swollen as the basis.)

You Are (Panacea)
Bubble Love
Over and over
Paint it black
Nothing Like Tomorrow
All I need (Loving mix)
Troubled Mind
The Look Of Love
Only Love
Silent Spring
Breathe me (Mylo remix)
The Moment
The Girl Who Fell Through the Ice

Hm. 'Tis a sad and perplexing day.

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