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Top 10 Artists Song Quiz

Updated: 12/06/2011

1. The Wonder Years
First Heard: Keystone State Dude-Core
Love: My Last Semester
Current Fave: Local Man Ruins Everything

2. City and Colour
First Heard: Save Your Scissors
Love: Day Old Hate
Current Fave: O, Sister

3. Alexisonfire
First Heard: Accidents
Love: It Was Fear of Myself That Made Me Odd
Current Fave: Charlie Sheen vs. Henry Rollins

4. New Found Glory
First Heard: My Friends Over You
Love: Dressed to Kill
Current Fave: Black and Blue

5. Shook Ones
First Heard: Pheasant
Love: For Collards
Current Fave: It's Not What You Think

6. Crime In Stereo
First Heard: XXXX (The First 1000 Years Of Solitude)
Love: Sudan
Current Fave: ...But You Are Vast

7. Lifetime
First Heard: Daneurysm
Love: Northbound Breakdown
Current Fave: Theme Song for a New Brunswick Basement Show

8. Paramore
First Heard: Here We Go Again
Love: All We Know
Current Fave: Emergency

9. Set Your Goals
First Heard: Work In Progress
Love: Mutiny!
Current Fave: The Fallen

10. Comeback Kid
First Heard: Die Tonight
Love: Always
Current Fave: Lorelei

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