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Being with the Fishheads in Verviers

Wed 20 Apr – Fish
This was my first Fish concert ever. And it felt a bit strange, but good anyway.

It was a nice concert. Intimate, rather small, but the songs still stand. And despite all his voice problems, he is still a good singer. Not with the old falsetto from old Marillion records.

On his facebook page, he had mixed feelings about the concert and the sound setting, but from the audience I could really enjoy it.

I don't have the full set-list, but I remember an a-cappella intro (Chocolate Frogs ?) and Fish songs such as The Company, Just Good Friends, A gentleman's excuse me, Family Business and also a series of old Marillion songs: Incubus, Kayleigh, Jigsaw (as a request), Punch & Judy. So mostly from the Fugazi album.

Progressive complex songs, such as Incubus are a bit weird with only an acoustic guitar (Frank Usher) and a piano (Foss Paterson), but as it has become part of our common musical memory, they still work in this setting.

Around halfway through the show, he fell from the stage, missing a step when not wearing his glasses. He managed to stay on foot, before wandering through the audience.

Fish has a good contact with the people: talking, joking, interacting with shouting drunk people. Nice.

He also talked quite a bit, first by requesting no talking, no video nor flash photography and then about his divorce and first marriage. And was able to stay alert when people started shouting request for e.g. Grendel which he obviously did not play.

As I came with a few friends, this made for almost a family feeling. And the music was not too loud either (had not to wear earplugs). Read that it was a technical issue, but this didn't spoil the show for me in any way.

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