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What is in my wantlist 1

So what records are there in my wantlist. First of all there is the re-issued Through Friendly Waters from Kettel. Which is a really great album. The only reason i didn't buy the original when it was released is because i was hoping for a vinyl release, which unfortunately never came to see the light of day.

Also kettel latest album Whisper Me Wishes is on the list. It is a more freeform jazz inspired album which starts off with a lot of rappid changing patterns and sudden off beat parts in Any waken sly blonda but than slows down to slower songs who all tend to evoke their own specific mood, like the classical
Twijfel doubt hesitation.
There are 500 pieces of this album on vinyl and one of them is going to be mine i hope :)

Video clip of Coddle by Kettel from his last album:

The Mount Fuji Doomjazz Corporation is another candidate on the list. The second cd that spawns from the collaboration between Gideon Kiers, Bong-ra and a couple of guest artists. This contains a lot more drones than the darkjazz/ambient-isch first cd The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble but delivers an even darker atmosphere.
Here is a video from an unreleased track by The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble

If you like this style you could also check out Bong-ra's four tracker Praying Mantis on Russian Roulette Recordings, discogs link to it: http://www.discogs.com/release/265222

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