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// R.I.P. to a king of pop \\


☆ My love for this man runs deep. Last year I found out that he was in the hospital and hoped and prayed that he'd get through. When I found out he died, I literally cried for a long period of time. My heart still breaks today, as I feel like he's still alive in my soul. For all my life he was alive, so I don't think I'll ever be fully on board with the fact that he's dead and gone. Even during the funeral, I cried a lot.

I haven't fully gotten into his music, but damnit - I will!

My favorite MJ song for now, is You Rock My World. Whenever I sing it, sometimes I'd feel tears in my eyes. Especially "look what you did to me, baby!". It's as though I'm singing to Michael himself.

And he rocked my world. Ever since I came into existance, since my parents have always played his music and we'd dance along to it.

And whenever kids my age made fun of him, I always felt uneasy and didn't really want to laugh or contribute to it. Those times, when Michael's reputation around kids my age was as a pedophile / child molester, were hard for me. But I always believed in him. During this time, I felt alone in my belief in him. Because kids…were stupid. Sure I was just as dumb, but I never insulted Michael.

Whenever I type about him, I go into great lengths. It's pretty crazy. I do the same thing for my other bands. I cannot live without music. It makes me laugh, smile, dance, sing, cry, and think. And Michael's music did all that for me. (Even if I only listened to his hits. He had a lot of hits though.)


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