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You may find more of me at: all my links - www.meadiciona.com/pattylycious my tumblr - http://pattylycious.tumblr.com I am a BRAZILIAN GIRL from a very big city near Sao Paulo, named Belo Horizonte. I love making new friends, from whereever they are. I love to travel. I love life and all its contents, especially animals, mammals - love the sea, earth, ground, air. I'm a DREAMER PERSON, creative person, all laughs, hard-working, pleasant, good to be around, sympathetic, against any prejudice/preconcept, against any bad people as Osama, I'm very loving and caring; I intend to do a lot for humanity, I love helping, I love sports, I love fashion, clothing, shoes and shoes and sandals, my bed, my boyfriend's bed (lol), love singing along with songs, love being myself. I love so many more. I am looking for a job right now, wanna work as a English teacher, be humanitarian, be public relations person, and so muuuch more. I am a dreamer. I love photography, I love networking, the internet, love my laptop. I'm a summer person. I'm romantic but I can fight you just fine if you be a pain in my ass. I've suffered a lot, intend to live better…….. Want to know more? You can ask me on my FORMS: www.formspring.me/pattylycious see ya

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