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JT - FutureSex/LoveSounds. Question: Is it really THAT good?

This is a review I wrote on another site for FutureSex/LoveSounds. I'm sorry but listening to the record now is a test. I don't think it's as strong as people are saying it is. I now feel 1st record, though much less daring, is a much better listen. What do you think?

* Justin Timberlake keeps the experiments with electronic and new wave elements that were all over the place this year going. Timbaland's on-the-mark production primarily provide the foundation for this great, if somewhat meaningless album. My main problem with this album is that Justin has great songs that don't SAY a damn thing. While the music itself has always been the #1 thing that draws me into a song, the lyrics help to keep me interested. None of that is present here, for the most part. Listening to FS/LS, as album, is even…boring…to me. It starts on a very high note and fizzles out. Plus, there are more than a few songs that I feel are mediocre. Still, "Sexy Ladies", "I Think She Knows" (Prelude), "Set The Mood" (Prelude)/"Until The End Of Time" and "(Another Song) All Over Again" are particularly excellent and keep the album afloat. I can't deny it a place in my Top 10 for 2006.

BTW (and I might get cursed out for some of these) here are the tracks that almost always get the skip button:
1. LoveStoned
2. What Goes Around.../...Comes Around Interlude
3. Summer Love
4. Losing My Way

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