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31 Days (1 Month) until Rage Against the Machine

As this monumental day draws ever closer, my excitement and anticipation grow to new levels :) This is it, this is for real, no fucking around. And I know I'm not alone; RATM is probably one of the most beloved bands of "our" generation and will be one of the artists considered to be the 'classic rock' of it, if you will. So, if you are attending Coachella, how are you feeling right about now? What song you think they will open with? Is it going to be another Woodstock 99 or can we all keep our composure? For those who can't make the trip, are you counting the days till Rock the Bells? Will this spark some sort of change politically? Vent on me! We've been waiting for this day…..

Just decided to bite the bullet and buy tickets to both cali dates for RtB. So this means I'll be seeing rage on every possible date! Anyone else going for this?

Rage Against the Machine
Rock the Bells (New York)
Rock the Bells (San Francisco)
Rock the Bells (San Bernardino)

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