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Attention for the Ladies!

Last week, four different ladies came to my (musical) attention. First there was little Miss Li, who I saw during the Eurosonic festival in Groningen. Hammering her piano, she produces extremely enthusiastic music with her talented band. Then there was the lovely Simone White, probably known best for her 'Beep Beep Song', which features in a car commercial here in the Netherlands. Wow… that’s some mesmerizing music, almost from another dimension. Also visit her website where you can check out her equally moving photography. The new Cat Power album (check it out at the 3voor12 Luisterpaal!) also impressed me, since I hadn't really listened to her music up to now. What a voice! The 'New York' cover, opening the album, blew me right away. Also via the Luisterpaal, I stumbled upon GRAM, a promising new project from the Dutch Marg van Eenbergen. Especially the fresh sounding 'Flick The Switch' has got (international) hitpotential, in my humble opinion. Well there you have it, my first journal entry. Dunno why, just felt like it… Long live Last.fm!

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