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It's the Rain

tomservotunes recently asked me what season it was in Thailand. Right now, it's the end of the rainy season and that inspired me to look up all the songs in my iTunes library that have Rain in the title. Wouldn't it be great if iTunes could search lyrics, also?

I had 44 "Rain" songs. Oddly enough, in some sort of cosmic symmetry, I also had 44 songs with Sun in the title. Wonder what's the statistical probability of that happening?

Here are a few of my favorite "Rain" songs (from my iTunes library).
Of course, being from Louisiana, I have to include When the Levee Breaks. It doesn't have Rain in the title, but it's definitely about the rain. Most of the other songs use rain as a simile or metaphor, but I'm not picky.

Still Rainin'
Feels Like Rain
It Ain't the Wind (on my CD this song is "It Ain't the Wind, It's the Rain")
Only Happy When It Rains
Pouring Rain
Rain Falls Down
No Rain
English Summer Rain
Life in Rain
Ballet for a Rainy Day
Falling Like Rain
A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall

What other great "rain" songs are out there?

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