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[Highpoint Lowlife] - NovemberNews and Erslaub release!

More new musics than you can shake a twig at!
Today is the release day for Erstlaub's pretty damn awesome 43 minute drone epic, "On Becoming An Island", a digital treatise on isolation and solitude.

The physical release is another in the series of beautifully designed covers by Mathieu Ranson - limited to 100 copies, artwork based on topological maps and housed in a white DVD case, with handnumbered postcard inserts.

You can have a listen or download a 128kbps mp3 of the release over at the album's lastfm page: http://www.last.fm/music/erstlaub/On+Becoming+An+Island

Dave Fyans/Erstlaub also asked several of his favorite producers and friends to contribute to a companion remix EP, entitled "Dark Archipelagos". The results are stunning! 7 tracks, with remixes from The Village Orchestra, Orphax, Bovine Life vs. Aimilia Mouzaki, wo0, Christopher McFall, and Wouter Van Veldhoven. Check em out and download at:

Check out Dave's blog for his comments at: http://erstlaub.co.uk/wordpress/

Tigrics' 'Synki' release has been receiving some lovely appraisals.

The Milk Factory had this to say about it:
"Synki is an epic journey into stunning electronically enhanced sound forms and found sounds processed into dream-like sequences, some lasting just a few seconds, others extending over twenty minutes, all demonstrating incredible evocative nature. The dream reference is clearest on tracks that go beyond the nine minute mark. On Ja'tzkin, Enabel, Coming Thru and Synki & Bug, Tigrics creates extremely complex and inventive patchworks which continuously evolve and morph into new instances, only to switch to entirely different frameworks altogether, moving from micro structures to vast ambient spaces to intricate rhythmic formations, mimicking in some ways sleep patterns where periods of calm follow moments of intense agitation. It is easy to get entirely lost in the meanders of Bereznyei's music, but these sonic labyrinths feel strangely safe and welcoming.
The shorter compositions interact with each other in almost the same symbiotic fashion, yet as stand-alone pieces, their boundaries are more clearly defined. On Igric, Qip'd or Sivarvany, Bereznyei brings his vast expanses down to miniature level but somehow preserves their intricate detailing and complex layering, rendering them as epic and magnificent."

There are around 40 copies left at my house - grab em while you still can!
free 128kbps mp3s available from: http://www.last.fm/music/Tigrics/Synki

Quite a few new projects on the go at the moment, but i'll keep schtoom about 'em until they have release dates.

One for the diaries on the horizon is a Highpoint Lowlife label showcase at the Luminaire in London - January 26th 2008. Still a few months away, but with the Marcia Blaine School For Girls taking over the club for the evening, and opening acts from Fisk Industries and Mandelbrot, we expect it to sell out pretty quick! You can grab tickets from: http://www.wegottickets.com/event/22883

Oh! also worth pointing out is a new release on Shitkatapult records, an audio-visual collaboration between O.S.T. (Chris Douglas, also known as Dalglish) and Transforma, entitled coincidentally enough 'Synken' (no relation to our Tigrics release!). I received it in the mail yesterday - havent had a chance to watch it yet, but planning on it this week.

thanks loads!

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