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yay post snakes boredom survey

whats in your itunes?

4715 songs, 12:09:16:27 total time 22.16GB

Sort by Artist:
First song:

Last song:
in the waiting line

Sort by Song Title:
First song:
'03 electric relaxation

Last song:

Sort by Album Title:
First song:
Untitled 1 ("Vaka")
from the album ( )

Last song:
king without a crown from the album youth

Sort by Song Time:
Shortest Song:
blank (0:00)

Longest Song:
el borracho (17:36)

Top 10 Most Played songs:
i reset my play counts very often fyi
1. be my baby (acoustic) 29
2. pioneers 27
3. nobody move, nobody get hurt (acoustic) 26
4. the great escape (acoustic) 26
5. it's a hit (acousitc) 23
6. dead bodies 22
7. Gotta Get Thru This(Acoustic version) 19
8. inaction18
9. iou 16
10. fuck forever 16

First five songs that come up on Shuffle:
1. give it up
2. broken toy
3. seasons of love
4. outtasite (outta mind)
5. pansy (you are the girl of my dreams)

"sex" - how many songs come up?: 23
"love" - how many songs come up?: 260
"you" - how many songs come up?: 604
"death" - how many songs come up?: 56
"hate" - how many songs come up?: 37
"wish" - how many songs come up?: 18

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