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25... y qué carambas!

Como si yo no tuviera nada que hacer!
Pero qué carambas! Me dedico a hacer memes y después sí escribo…

1. Soda Stereo
2. Amy Winehouse
3. VHS or Beta
4. Gotan Project
5. The Killers
6. Kinky
7. Mika
8. Alejandro Sanz
9. Goldfrapp
10. Bajofondo Tango Club
11. Babasónicos
12. Gwen Stefani
13. Eddie Vedder
14. Joy Division
15. Gustavo Cerati
16. Duran Duran
17. Fobia
18. Jorge Drexler
19. Pearl Jam
20. !!!
21. Blondie
22. Radiohead
23. U2
24. Jamiroquai
25. David Bowie

How did you get into 11?
Por medio del video de Putita, que pasaban en MTV. Después me dió por oir más a fondo al haberlos visto en Rockal del 2004.

What is your favorite song by 7?
Tengo mis dudas… pero me debato entre Relax, take it easy y Ring Ring

What is a good memory you have involving 20?
No sé… es raro, pero me gusta la voz y vi un video por ahí donde hay como una fiesta rara. Me dio placer verlo.

Is there a song by 3 that makes you sad?
No creo que uno se sienta triste oyendo VHS or Beta. Triste no haber ido al concierto.

What is your favorite song by 19?
Complicado! Pero voto por Do the Evolution

How did you get into 22?
No recuerdo. Pero High and Dry siempre ha estado en mi memoria.

What was the first song you heard by 21?

What is your favorite song by 4?

How many times have you seen 10 live?
Ninguna… pensé en ir cuando vino Supervielle.

What is a good memory you have involving 13?
De todo! Pero en especial el afiche enorme que tengo de él en mi cuarto.

Is there a song by 23 that makes you sad?
With or Without You

What is your favorite album by 15?
El Ahi Vamos. Sé que es reciente, pero me mueve.

What is your favorite lyric that 9 have sung?
Excite me, ignite me
Oh and you know,
I miss you, I kiss you
Oh and you know

Black Cherry

What is your favorite song by 16?
Come Undone

What is your favorite lyric that 5 have sung?
I did everything, everything I wanted to
I let them use you for their own ends
To the centre of the city in the night, waiting for you
To the centre of the city in the night, waiting for you


What is your favorite album by 12?
The Sweet Escape

What is a good memory you have involving 25?
Mmmm… no sé. Bowie es demasiado nuevo para mi.

What is your favorite album by 24?
Traveling Without Moving

How did you get into 17?
De adolescente llegó a mi por radio.

Did somebody of your friends like number 8?
Jejeje… creo que no. Pero a mi sí!

What is your favorite song by 14?
Transmission (aunque cambia continuamente)

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