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Selected picks from the 80s

Bashing 80s music is a familiar phenomenon for many music fans. Music of that decade can be critized for corny compositions, banal lyrics, overuse of reverb, overpolished sounds etc. However, upon a closer listen, the decade has a lot to offer for the open-minded music lovers. I have collected some personal 80s favorites to this journal entry.

Here are a few selected tracks from the eighties, reflecting my musical tastes:

Street Of Dreams
Red Guitar
Guilty Partner
The Eternal
Blocks On Blocks
Tidal Wave
Another Time, Another Place

The movie Donnie Darko has an excellent soundtrack consisting of songs of the eighties. Here are a few picks from that soundtrack:

Under The Milky Way
Never Tear Us Apart
The Killing Moon

The early Depeche Mode albums have loads of great songs, if one only can see (or hear) through the outdated sounds. The darker side of DM has always been there, but on the first albums this was obscured by the way the songs were produced, using the equipment of the that time. Here is a list of some great tracks from the timespan of the first four albums:

Ice Machine (B-side)
Leave In Silence
Something To Do
In Your Memory (B-side)
Blasphemous Rumours

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