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Cyclic Defrost #23 online and out now (actually for about 4 weeks!)


Cyclic Defrost 23 is out now!

Issue 23 has a cover by Grant Hunter. Inside there are interviews with Grant Hunter, Pimmon, Castings, Swoop Swoop, Joel Stern, Mata & Must, Tim Exile, Chihei Hatakeyama, Peaking Lights, an opinion piece on ‘’, and guest sleeve reviews by Grant Hunter and Selects by Tim Koch.

Online there are over 150 reviews as well.

Online version - http://www.cyclicdefrost.com
PDF version - http://www.cyclicdefrost.com/pdfs

The print version can be collected at a wide range of independent record stores around Australia but if you'd like one (and the next two issues also) delivered direct to your letterbox then the best thing to do is to make a 'subscription donation'. Everyone who does this gets *at least* one bonus randomly selected CD with their subscription . . . .

You can do this online at http://www.cyclicdefrost.com/donate

This is the best way of ensuring you get a copy and also it really helps keep the magazine afloat.

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