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In Anticipation of Birthday Money, with Music on the Mind

Ahh, birthdays! A good meal, nice booze, the desert of your choice, and whatever perverted act your significant other can only bear doing once per year. Oh…and money! I love birthday money! I know picking out a gift is much more special than giving money, but how do I really explain to Grandma that she should get me that melodic death metal album I've got my eye on? Yeah. SOO, money it is! Not knowing how much I'll receive, I've got an extensive list of potential purchases in mind:

My birthday is very suitably aligned with the rumored release of the upcoming Guns N' Roses album, "Chinese Democracy." Not that I need birthday money as justification for buying this album (IF it comes out November 21st, as rumored). Hell, I'd skip eating for a couple days, if such a sacrifice were necessary to afford this much anticipated release. What birthday money means is that I'll not have to sacrifice another album in favor of "Chinese Democracy."

So, here's the list, in a rough order of desire:

The I Really Want It Now grouping:

Angel Dust

Mirror of Madness

No Mean City


The Very Near the Top of the List grouping:

Versus the World

Blood Fire Death

Slaughter of the Soul

Vincebus Eruptum

Wages of Sin

Damage Done

Crystal Pistol

Still Life

Chaos A.D.

Bad Reputation

Black Rose: A Rock Legend

Paegan Terrorism Tactics

Death Unlimited

Till Death Unites Us

Dreams of Endless War

Beautiful Loser

Stranger in Town

Against the Wind

Night Moves

Face the Promise

Live Bullet

The I'll Get it Eventually grouping:

Demons and Wizards

Force It


Two Steps From the Move


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