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Good bye, Moonbaby, what happened to you??

Moonbaby has been among our first friends, and the only reason that you see no link is that she seems to have disappeared from last.fm: we’ve noted that when we missed her on our friend’s list and went to her page …
Well, life is moving (in many ways), maybe s/he comes back, maybe under another name, but at least our best wishes.

The last weeks we’ve not had much action going on.
We invited no more friends, also we didn’t write anything
– the reason was, of course, time!

Surprisingly, the number of plays and listeners has increased nevertheless (Scientific Fly) to over 1000 plays and over 200 listeners.
Maybe that’s due to our being tagged among the top-tracks in avant-garde (number 1 track in avant-garde: "talk"!!) and philosophy (the "philosophy charts") which may have given us some radio-play (by the way, if anyone has an easy source on how the stations are programmed on last.fm please drop us a hint).
Also, we’been put on the playlist of xoq and sbikh, thanks a lot, that was really supportive.

That’s all for now, friends, enjoy life and take it easy!

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