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Swiss Family Robinson: SwissCast 005

The Swiss and the Cast are back for another seiszure of tummy rumbling, synth scandals and pringle popping beats. Bringing you more stylish selections from this week's tunes that literally took ages to find. We've gone through a multi pack of 243 monster munch (only the roast beef ones as well) while recording which is why the level of chatting shit may have slightly increased. You'll be hearing some melodic and atmospheric creations from the likes of Kerogen rubbing up against Miles' back-to-back bad boi finish to the cast: a dinosauric slice of bass from Consequence slowly brewed into none other than DFRNT's break down mafia. Bigger than the equator. Hope you enjoy, salavate and spread the word…..good luck with the mini eggs. Cheers for listening as always

Your Humble S.F.R.

Scuba - Three Sided Shape

Tom Brown - Lucky Strike

Faib - Somewhere Far Away

Swarms - Function 212

Actraiser - Blue Sapphire

Pariah - Orpheus

Phaeleh - Numb

Kerogen - Hope

Consequence - Life Is Timing ft. Dbridge

DFRNT - On The Move


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