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The New Year

Okay, so It is January 2nd, 2011. I just listened to The New Year on my playlist I made the summer after my freshman year. It's on Playlist.com and has the a huge amount of Death Cab songs. After I made this playlist, I didn't spend much more time on Playlist and soon stopped going on. A friend of mine moved to Abilene, Texas, after moving here and worked at a Coldstone Creamery. She used to play the playlist everyday for a long to before noticing that her friend from San Angelo was the creator. It was awesome being told that.

Anyways, I just looked up my playlist for the first time in forever. I played The New Year and read the comments for the first time ever. You'd have to read them to know exactly what I'm talking about, but I am so happy that I got all those comments. People listen to that shit everyday. People appreciated it enough to thank me for it. I'm that cool kid who created something awesome on the internet, lol. It feels pretty cool. I wish it was cool enough for Death Cab themselves to know about it.

Go listen to the Playlist.

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